Holley Day Resources

We’re honored to be partnering with Kendra Scott again this year on Thursday, October 13. In honor of her life-long friend and IoH family member Holley Rothell Kitchen, 20% of all in-store and online purchases at Kendra Scott will benefit Inheritance of Hope families.

3 ways you can help on Holley Day

  1. Visit your local Kendra Scott store in your favorite Inheritance of Hope t-shirt
  2. No store in your area? Take a photo with your Kendra Scott jewelry and tag us
  3. Share and invite your community to help more Inheritance of Hope families

#KendraScott #HolleyDay #InheritanceOfHope

A loving mother, lifelong friend, and an inspiration to many.

Each October, Kendra Scott honors her dear friend, Holley Rothell Kitchen, and her mission to raise awareness and support for metastatic breast cancer. 20% of all Holley Day proceeds (in-store and online) will be used toward a life-changing Legacy Retreat® for Inheritance of Hope families facing terminal illness.

You can also post Holley Day content on your social media (please tag IoH and Kendra Scott and/or use #KendraScott #HolleyDay #InheritanceOfHope).  Resources available for sharing your Holley Day story: 

Graphics for sharing (right-click to save)

 Be sure to tag us on social media!
 IoH Facebook | IoH Instagram | Kendra Scott Facebook | Kendra Scott Instagram

See the impact of Holley Day: MBC families (just a few!) impacted by Kendra Scott’s generosity are available for download.

Thanks again for your willingness to share on Holley Day. We are grateful for you!