Words From a Kidney Recipient

After writing my blog post last week, The Gift of Life (a story about my husband’s kidney transplant 4 years ago), I came up with this idea to ask my husband to write a little blog about his experience.  Tony said he would be happy to do just that.  What he wrote was not what I expected!

(You may be wondering what this picture of my daughter climbing a rock wall has to do with this story.  It reminds me of how life is like climbing this wall, placing your feet and hands one move at a time, not always seeing the destination.)

From Tony…

“There are times in your life when certain things just jolt you.  My wife just did this to me last week with her blog.

“It is four years ago that I had my transplant and I am just finding out, now, how selfish I was.  Lisa never told me what she was going through.  She focused on me.  It just shows you how our selfish nature works.

“My wife’s heart was just like Jesus’ – giving of herself and loving without regret.  God has truly blessed me with a godly, adoring wife.

“I would like to say something about my donor.  These words I speak cannot even come close to what I feel for her – Awesome…  Magnificent… Wonderful…  Blessing…  Sounds like I am talking about Jesus.  Well you’re right.  Our Lord and Savior wants us to be Christ-like in all we do.  Vaughn did just that.

“I also want to say, “Thank you” to her husband Brett.  Without his blessing and support, I would not have felt comfortable.

“I must say that I never realized how much love was out there for me.  I thank God for all of you who stepped up for me.

“I ask, please look around you and if you see someone that needs anything, help the best you can.  Always let God direct your path.”

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Mom

    Tony, Thank you. You touched our hearts. We are thankful that God gave you to us as a son-in-law. Mom and Dad Ely

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