Today, you can read a brief explanation of what athletes learn when seeking to join Team Inheritance of Hope. Team Inheritance of Hope (a.k.a. Team IOH) exists to raise funds and awareness for Inheritance of Hope.
As an athlete with Team Inheritance of Hope, you can share in the joy of helping to build legacies for families who are facing a tremendous challenge in their lives.
Inheritance of Hope is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving families with children under 18 who have a parent with a life-threatening illness. Because of generous supporters like you, Legacy Retreats are provided at absolutely no cost to the participating families. These events offer unique and exciting activities for parents and children together, forming precious, lifelong memories for the whole family. Legacy Retreats also create a community of people who find comfort in knowing that they are not alone in their struggles. Counselors are available for parents to gain resources and tools to help navigate the difficulty of fighting illness while raising children. Children’s counselors work to help children express and understand the emotional turmoil they are experiencing and are often so reluctant to share.
Beyond the Family Legacy Retreats, Inheritance of Hope offers ongoing support, inspirational literature, annual scholarships, and speaking engagements that address the deep needs of these families.
Inheritance of Hope is a young organization with a big vision. In the United States, there are over one million family members facing the challenges of a parent’s terminal illness. These families’ entire lives become consumed by the illness, leaving them without the resources to plan or pay for meaningful family time. Inheritance of Hope’s vision is that “Every Family Deserves a Legacy.”®
As you can see, Team IOH is all about serving Inheritance of Hope families, but there are additional benefits when joining the team.
- Race registration paid by IOH upon reaching fundraising commitment
- Tech race day shirt and IOH hat
- Private Team pasta dinner the evening before your race
- Online Bart Yasso Training Calendars for Newbies, Seasoned and, Hard-core marathoners (or the length of race you are running)
- Online Team community
- Online fundraising tools and personal webpage on the Inheritance of Hope website
- Fundraising incentives
- You will see the funds raised at work in the lives of families in a ‘marathon’ of their own
More benefits are available depending on your particular race or event. For more information or to join our team, contact Lisa Duscio,
Next week I will touch on the types of events you can take part in with Team Inheritance of Hope.
Join our Team!!