Service and Sacrifice

My brother-in-law is a treasure for so many reasons.  He is the most thoughtful and compassionate of the 3 Thompson brothers. He is an extremely hard worker and a very loyal and dedicated man.  He is smart and silly. He has three daughters and a lovely wife which leaves him VERY outnumbered in his household.  I think he is awesome.

He is a professor of engineering at West Point and a Major in the Army.  I respect him for these roles that he leads and feel very proud of him for his accomplishments professionally.

However, I have never loved my brother-in-law more then last week when I saw this picture of him on facebook.

He and his wife just added twin girls to their family a few months ago and when my sister-in-law got the opportunity to go out he did not even pause when he sent her out to have fun with her friends. I’m sure things weren’t all smooth the whole time she was gone but that didn’t stop him from making the best of it and giving his wife a much needed break.

I admire this attitude.  I have seen it in so many relationships and it is always very touching.  It is an attitude of sacrifice and service. Many loved ones in Inheritance of Hope do this for one another.  A spouse who takes on an extra job while her husband goes through chemo.  A teenager who makes meals for his younger siblings while mom and dad are at the hospital for mom’s most recent surgical recovery. An IOH volunteer who for 4 days on a Legacy Retreat does everything he or she can do to give all members of the family a much needed break.  It is a beautiful picture of love though service and sacrifice.

I am privileged to love and serve alongside these people and I can’t wait to grab both of these babies and give both my brother and sister-in-law a break when I get to see them in July. Strap on the baby carrier and hand me two bottles.  I’m ready!