Until We Meet Again

It is hard to believe we have only known each other 3 days.  These past few days have really bonded us all together in such a wonderful and special way.  The children created some very special relationships with our volunteers and staff.  I heard more then one of them say they “don’t want to leave” (Gage) and “wish they could stay together longer.” (Jordan and Justin)  This children are leaving with some amazing memories with their families, some wonderful new friendships with the volunteers and other family members and some tools to help manage and work through their personal struggles and fears.

The parents also developed some very special bonds with one another.  Tim said, “I am not one to share my feelings with others and I wasn’t sure what to expect from the group counseling time but I was very impressed and thankful for that time and I really enjoyed it so much.”  The balance between over-the-top fun and excitement and good productive sharing is very important to us and this Legacy Retreat proved to be perfectly balanced.

We are so grateful to the Hotel Novotel staff for welcoming us and extending such warm hospitality to our group.  Staying at this beautiful hotel and eating meals overlooking Times Square truly made for a fantastic experience.

Hotel Novotel Staff with Jill and Deric

I know reality will be very difficult for many of the families (and volunteers) following such an overwhelming weekend.  It is my prayer that the memories they made, the relationships they formed and the tools they gathered will provide a continuing foundation in their lives.  That they will know the hope that our organization is based on and that this hope will carry them through the most difficult circumstances that they have to endure. “Every Family Deserves a Legacy”® and these families have been challenged, encouraged and equipped to make that legacy valuable and lasting.

May the road rise to meet you

May the wind be always at your back

May the sun shine warm upon your face

And until we meet again

May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Cheri

    Jill, such an amazing organization and such an amazing experience for these families. I’m more then happy to support our friends in the upcoming marathon to support such a great cause! I’m so glad you’re able to share this with everyone through the blog.

  2. kasandra

    thank you IOH. We had a most amazing jorney spiritually and physically. Steven cried all the way through security he was overwhelmed with emotion. i too fight back teears when i thnk about how much my life has been touched and i now have the tools to meet the spiritual challenges ahead. IOH is awesome!

  3. Heather

    I love reading the blog and getting a glimpse of what’s happening at the retreats. Great job to all the IOH staff and volunteers!

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