Team IOH Spotlight ~ Tammy Johnston

Tammy Johnston is a member of the Team Inheritance of Hope 2011 Marine Corps Marathon team.  Tammy has run the Los Angeles marathon and will share about her marathon experience.  Thank you Tammy!

First off I am not a runner. Some people are, I am not one of them.

I have a very good friend that I love and respect that is a veteran marathoner. Since we were going to be in Los Angeles for a fund raising birthday party the day before the Los Angeles 2011 marathon he convinced me to sign up for it. I have always had a marathon on my Life List, and figured that it would be a scenic one since they were promoting it as a Landmark Every Mile. My goal was to finish it. No time goal, just get my butt over the finish line on my own steam. Well I did cross the finish line. Just barely. The 2011 Los Angeles Marathon was hit by a west coast hurricane. Howling wind and torrential downpours for the whole race. After that painful experience I thought I would never do it again. I completed my goal of accomplishing a check mark on the Life List. Well insanity hit me about a week after returning home. Before all the skin had grown back on my feet. I need to do another one to prove to myself that I can finish one without cursing out my friend Danny for talking me into the insanity of it all. I had heard that the Marine Corps Marathon was a good one, and it gave me time to train.

Inheritance of Hope is a cause I can get behind. I love the fact that they help families that are dealing with the terminal diagnosis of a parent. That is an unbelievably stressful event and anything we can do to assist them through it works wonders.

My goal is to get myself and my girlfriend across the finish line. We are aiming for 6 hours and 30 minutes, and training diligently for it. We will not be setting any records but now that I know fully what we are in for I am much better prepared.

Join me in achieving a huge personal goal and helping a worthy cause do something to make the world a better place. Click here to visit Tammy’s webpage and support her fundraising effort!