Stay-at-Home Mom

I am proud to be a stay at home mom.  Over the past 9+ years in this role, I can honestly say I have kept very busy managing my home and raising my kids.  The past year and a half have been different with both kids in school all day, but I still manage to keep my days very full (grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry, volunteer work, and IOH work).

My husband, Adam, told me when he was tucking Elizabeth into bed the other night she said, “Dad, I want to marry someone just like you.”

Wow…what a wonderful thing to say!!! Adam was very honored and humbled…until she added, “then I can stay home like mom all day and just shop and stuff.”

I was flabbergasted.  What does she think I do all day…shop and eat cadbury mini eggs? (I must confess lately I have been indulging in quite a few mini eggs, but I LOVE them and they are only in stores for a very few months).

As I get to know so many mothers that are battling life-threatening illnesses my heart is incredibly sympathetic as they are faced with the inability to do some of the tasks that they used to perform very capably. With treatments and side effects, sometimes they are forced to take a backseat role in parenting tasks that they used to take for granted. I am humbled and awed as I witness some of these women graciously accept help as they use their energy and strength to heal.

It is my hope and prayer that these brave moms can savor the tasks of mothering young children and find great purpose in their role as mother.

As flabbergasted as I was at my sweet daughter’s bedtime comment, my husband’s statement to me was classic. “Is that all I am to you…your sugar daddy?”

Well, if the sugar daddy can bring home some mini eggs then SURE!!!

Happy Mother’s Day to all my fellow mommies!