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Nine New Volunteers Join the Inheritance of Hope Family

The IoH family welcomed nine new volunteers into our ranks at the first-ever North Carolina Inheritance of Hope Legacy RetreatⓇ:  Beth Batchelder, Suzie Boatright, Hailey Boonstra, Rae McMannis, Fred Morse, Dawn Keel, Marina Randles, Diane Sohl, and Jill Vaughan.

New volunteers ready to serve
New volunteers ready to serve

We had a number of “local” folks who served, with five calling the Tar Heel State home.  Three more of our newest family members also hail from the South–two from Georgia and one from South Carolina.  

Rae McMannis and Beth Bachelder tied for most unique “fun fact” about themselves.  Beth plays the mountain dulcimer, and also counts organizing retiree water balloon fights among her skills!  Rae found IoH through our Visual Media Manager (and superstar photographer!) Mikki Skinner, and makes homemade kombucha in her free time.  

Several of the new volunteers commented on how well-organized the retreat was and the high level of care given to every participant and even the smallest of details.  Some also already showed the telltale sign of an IoH volunteer in the proprietary language they used when describing “my” family! Here is what Suzie Boatright, a nurse in Fletcher, NC, had to say about her experience serving with IoH:

“It wasn’t that I was ‘surprised’ by how loving and caring the staff/volunteers of IoH were, but  working in such a positive environment while families are struggling with a devastating illness was an experience I will carry through at my work and in my personal life as well. I have worked with cancer patients for 10+ years and after the retreat, I realized it was the ‘reboot’ I needed.

I loved meeting the families and then watching them change and grow as they became more comfortable with everyone, especially the young children. I truly believe most of the families grew closer together.”

Thank you to all of our June 2019 volunteers–new and “old!”

New volunteers Rae McMannis (far left) and Diane Sohl (far right) team up with IoH board member Tony Reid (second from right) to help make lasting memories with the Evans-Johnson family on the French Broad River! 
New volunteers Rae McMannis (far left) and Diane Sohl (far right) team up with IoH board member Tony Reid (second from right) to help make lasting memories with the Evans-Johnson family on the French Broad River! 


Angie Howell is constantly inspired by the people she meets in the Inheritance of Hope family.  Her connection to IoH goes back to Davidson College, where she met Kristen Grady Milligan the first week of their freshman year. Kristen eventually started Inheritance of Hope with her husband Deric, and Angie heard about their work at a college reunion.  In 2010, the two former hallmates got back in touch, and Angie became involved in IoH shortly afterwards. She has served as a Legacy Retreat volunteer, Coordinator, and now, as Communications Manager, Angie helps tell the stories of IoH.