A New Suitcase!

I have a great job.


I get to meet beautiful families that are faced with some difficulties and plan a dream vacation for them.


The absolute BEST part of my job is the phone call when I tell them it is their turn to go on this dream vacation.


Many people cry. They all echo words of gratitude and emotion. Many are overwhelmed and even slightly speechless.


It is a priceless moment.


I am not around, however, when the parents tell their children about the trip. I often imagine how they might respond when their parents say, “We’re going to New York City!” Or “We’re going to Disney World!”


Well, one family gave me (and our entire IOH team) a great gift last week. They video recorded the moment when they told their children about the Legacy Retreat to Disney World.  Click below to see for yourself.


I cannot tell you how much this video means to me. I have watched it many times and can’t seem to keep the tears from coming. These sweet girls were so grateful. No doubt, their parents have raised them with a beautiful perspective. Their daddy has cancer. That is not easy for anyone in the family. They were ready to jump for joy over new suitcases and I am so glad we are able to give them so much more than that!


We will welcome this family and 15 others to Disney World in 3 weeks. We will give them an amazing vacation! But we will also give them a safe place to share their worries, a community that really understands what they are going through and a hope that does not come through doctors and treatment.


Watch out Disney World here we come! (With our fancy new suitcases and all!!)

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Linda

    Oh so sweet! We can’t wait to meet you in a few weeks!

    Tim and Linda Stoll

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