What a Legacy Retreat looks like…

What does a Legacy Retreat “look” like?

What is the importance of a legacy? You might be wondering what Inheritance of Hope is all about…

A legacy can either be positive or negative.  We are all in the process of leaving a legacy – whether we have ever thought about it or not.  A legacy is something handed down by a predecessor.  It can be a legacy in the workplace or in a family or elsewhere.

16 families and 33 volunteers and staff from across the US took part in the most recent Inheritance of Hope Legacy Retreat, June 25 – 28, 2011 in Orlando, FL.  Families, and those that served alike, left the weekend with renewed hope for the journey each is individually traveling.  People from all walks of life gathered together for four days with the common bond: a parent with children under 18 dealing with a diagnosis of a life-threatening illness.


A diagnosis such as this can throw a life and a family into a tail-spin.  Lives often are wrapped up in combatting the disease, and any type of normalcy in a family routine might disappear.

As far as I know, physical circumstances didn’t change after the weekend, but what did change was positional…many, if not every, participant was renewed to be on top of – not under – their circumstance.  Memories of hope and joy were taken home by the children and their parents (and the volunteers) … and each took home tools equipping them for great things despite any circumstance good or bad.  Strong legacies were nurtured.

I was truly privileged to be a part of this retreat… I gained so much more than I gave.  Lisa

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Amber Crum

    Thanks Lisa, you guys are a blessing and we appreciated this so much words cannot express. I hope the best for everyone and wish we all could have met under different circumstances!

  2. candlelover69

    i am so tired of making final preperations for life. it looks like it might be sooner than later I will know more tomorrow and kep you posted. My cancer could be spreading that would be three places in my body now.
    I am very bumbed about that. I have ben in the ER two weeks in a row.
    the kids are starting to get scared they are loosing mom

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