Storm Chasers – October 2016

Hurricane Matthew is quickly approaching Florida’s east coast, and a bunch of hope-inspirers are leaving their comfortable homes and flying, driving, swimming their way to Orlando to serve 19 families facing storms much bigger than this hurricane.

These families have been counting down the days until their Legacy Retreat, and no hurricane is going to spoil this priceless experience for them.

Truthfully, many of these families have felt like they have been enduring a brutal storm for quite a while. They have faced the waves of nausea that come with terrible news or harsh treatment. They have endured the strong winds of a changing prognosis and difficult timelines. They have shed floods of tears over fears, worries, and sorrows that come with a life-altering diagnosis.

This weekend 19 families will be able to stand shoulder to shoulder together and weather the literal and figurative storms in their lives. They will also encounter the one who controls the wind and the waves.

Ironically, Matthew in the Bible (not the dangerous hurricane) tells us a story about another terrible storm that happened a long time ago. Matthew 8:24-27 says, “Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples woke him, saying, ‘Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!’

He replied, ‘You of little faith, why are you so afraid?’ Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.

The men were amazed and asked, ‘What kind of man is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!’”

We trust the God who made the wind and the waves. Our prayer for these families is that they would have great hope through their storms because of their encounter with the wave-calmer this weekend. That is the true inheritance of hope.

Jill Thompson didn’t give much thought to intentional living until her best friend, Kristen Milligan, was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer at age 30. She had a front row seat as Kristen planned and prepared for her death and was inspired to be as intentional with each day. Kristen rarely missed a single moment to speak truth to her children and to teach, inspire, and encourage others. Because of her intentionality, her life and legacy are still greatly impacting others even 4 years after her death. Jill lives in Florida with her husband and 4 children and tries to make the most of each and every day, living intentionally as a wife and mom.