Rejoice in Hope

This weekend we get to share joy and hope with families and show the love of our Lord and Savior through us. We are blessed to shine our light unto these families who are enduring pain and hopelessness. Where there is life there is hope, but where there is life there is also hopelessness. Throughout our lives, I’m sure we have all had someone tell us at some point not to give up hope. But how? Hope is not something you have if you already see the outcome. Having hope is the opposite of fear, hopelessness, and despair.
In the book of Romans, the apostle Paul wrote, “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer” (Romans 12:12).
Rejoicing in hope isn’t about changing our attitudes to be joyful, rather it is having a reason for joy. Paul is not commanding us to be happy, but teaching us that having the right perspective can open your heart to hope. Without perspective, hope may fade away. Our hearts are full of joy because we have hope in Christ.
Throughout all of our lives, we will face trials and tribulations, they are usually unpleasant. Sometimes it feels impossible to be patient during these times. Knowing that God is in control and has created the perfect plan for all of us, we can rest patiently in Him. Patience prevents us from giving up before seeing our victory. While waiting in patience, Paul is pointing out that the struggle of life on earth is not worth comparing with the glory to come (Romans 8:18).
The final command of the verse tells us to pray continually. As God promises us victory, we can be joyful in hope and rest in His peace. We have the ability and privilege to communicate with God daily through prayer. Through constant prayer, we can pour our hearts unto him and he can empower us.
Romans 15:13 says, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
We will all experience ups and downs in our lives. Some days we might feel hopeless and other days we might feel on top of the world. On the days when we are without hope, we may feel as though we are walking alone. In those times, rest assured because the God of Hope hasn’t left us alone. The Lord gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit and His power to guide us through life’s struggles. He will see us through our hard times and trials. What a privilege it is to have hope in our God!
As we serve these sweet families this weekend, let us share patience, joy, and most of all, hope. We are blessed to get the opportunity to serve and show them God’s love, joy, and hope as he intended.

Lord, you know what these families need. May we allow you to lead us this weekend as we serve them.

Help us to be a light in the darkness and a source of hope and encouragement to those who need it most.

Thank you, God, for the opportunity to serve others. May our words and actions reflect your love and grace, and may we always seek to bring glory to your name. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Jodi Hargrove is an IoH Family Navigator. She originally shared this devotional with the IoH Serving Team in February 2024. 
