It’s been an active fall for Team Inheritance of Hope. November saw our participation in two races on the west coast, the sold out Big Sur Half Marathon on Monterey Bay, CA and the Amica Insurance Seattle Marathon.
The Big Sur Half was our first west coast race with 5 athletes raising over $6,000 in support of Inheritance of Hope. It was a great team of people. The comments were that they loved the course and whole-heartedly supported the ’cause’. Ryan provided this picture from the race, where much of the course follows the Pacific Coast. Thank you to our wonderful runners! Join us next year in this super event that gets much attention for the natural beauty surrounding the course.
The Amica Insurance Seattle Marathon was our first “all out” volunteer effort in a major event. Team Inheritance of Hope provided Water Station volunteers and Course Marshals for the Half and Full Marathon race which was held November 28 in downtown Seattle. IOH also participated in the marathon expo, held Friday and Saturday. Many runners stopped by our booth to learn more about our mission and to sign up for our newsletter. Our thanks go out to all of those helping to make the day a success for the 12,000 runners participating in the race. It was a lot of fun and we served an important role in supporting participating runners.