
My family and I moved into a new house this Spring and I have really enjoyed setting up my new home.  I have moved around furniture and trinkets until things look the way I want them to look.  I am nesting.

Nesting is defined as:

1. To build or occupy a nest.
2. To create and settle into a warm and secure refuge.

One of the things I love most about my new home is the location.  It is situated on a lot that backs up to the woods and there are many, MANY birds.  We have installed a bird feeder off our new deck and we can watch the birds come and go all day long from the many windows in our home. They are fascinating.  They are beautiful.  They  are hungry.  We fill the feeder a couple of times a day and watch as the birds eat their fill, sometimes 7 at a time!

One special pair of birds decided that our front porch would be the perfect spot for their nest.  I feel blessed to have 2 new rocking chairs on that front porch and have spent a lot of time this spring and summer watching those two little birds fly out and back with one little piece of pine straw or hay in their mouth.  I don’t know how many trips they have made in search of all their supplies but the end product is spectacular.  It is tightly woven. It is stable and secure. It was the perfect haven for their little eggs and then their little birds.  Now the nest is empty but I still love looking at it. It is so remarkable to me that two little birds are capable of creating something so intricate.

They chose the spot that would be the safest for them. It is protected from the wind and elements. It is high and out of reach of ground animals. They did the very best they could and yet it was still just a heap of pine straw that could easily be displaced from the porch ledge.

I think all of us crave a warm and secure refuge for our families.  We work so hard to make it cozy and beautiful but ultimately security is what we need most. In this world security is hard to come by.  Circumstances are constantly changing.  People lose jobs. People get sick. Houses catch fire. Bad things happen everyday.  How can we ensure security for ourselves and our families?

We can do our very best to provide the most secure environment for our family and yet it doesn’t take much to dismantle that stability.

There is really only one thing that is certain and secure and that is God.  He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He made you and me.  He knows the number of our days. He cares for us immensely. He also made all the birds of the air. “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life” (Matthew 6:25).

That nest is my reminder that God cares for me and that, my friends, is security!