Kristen Milligan’s Testimony (Joy and Peace Through Suffering) from Skyland United Methodist Church on Vimeo.
Joy and Peace Through Suffering: March 2012
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Kristen Milligan’s Testimony (Joy and Peace Through Suffering) from Skyland United Methodist Church on Vimeo.
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Wow! This video is absolutely inspiring! I came looking for a devotional for my time with God and your testimony really spoke to me. I have been trying to do everything on my own, “trusting” God to his part, but not really giving Him control. Thank God for you and your family! My sister-in-law also has gastro perisis, but hasn’t been able to be cured from it. She now has been told she has a tumor on her thyroid that has to be tested to know if it is cancerous. I am going to share your story with her. I know God led me here for my benefit but for her’s as well. God bless you and what you are doing! Thank you!
I have learned so much about my life and my mission here on earth after listening to this moving account. I found this in preparation for a bimonthly message I bring to residents in a local assisted living center. We have a brief Christian service with the sacraments for them. The phrase refiner’s fire popped into my head and off I went exploring on the internet only to find this powerful testimony. This story helped me to create 2 Sunday’s worth of messaging to my little congregation. May God continue to bless this dear woman and her family. She is already one of God’s angels.