Why I’m So Grateful for Inheritance of Hope’s Impact on My Life

Merry Christmas and THANK YOU for being part of our Legacy Retreat® community who helped make 2023 such an impactful year!  Without you–volunteers, navigators, facilitators, photographers, financial partners, and prayer warriors–we couldn’t provide the rest, resources, memories, and love that a Legacy Retreat® offers.

While our volunteers say “I am so grateful for Inheritance of Hope’s impact on my life!” and that serving was the “best weekend ever. So much love and connection!”, we say we aren’t Inheritance of Hope without them. . .  and each of you. 

This year, 64 families were served in Orlando, St. Louis, and North Carolina, while over 110 volunteers served on at least one retreat!  Thousands of hugs were given, smiles exchanged, and friendships formed as families felt loved as if they were God’s Favorite Child.

Want to help us love more families facing the loss of a terminally ill parent in 2024?
