Finding Friends Who Understand at Hope Hub

During the monthly gatherings at Hope Hub™ Rochester, a special friendship started between two young girls who found a common connection after the loss of a parent. Gentry and Audrey met just a couple of months after Audrey’s dad passed away. Audrey quietly joined in the group discussion time during her first night at Hope Hub™, but appeared reserved and not ready to share her story. Gentry has attended Hope Hub™ gatherings in Rochester since its launch in January 2022, but didn’t have the opportunity to connect with another young participant her age, until Audrey arrived.
Two children and Hope Hub volunteers smiling while sitting at a table in a café

Audrey (left) and Gentry (right) with Hope Hub™ serving team members

At a Hope Hub™ session, Audrey had the courage to initiate a conversation with Gentry and asked, “Did your Dad die, too? Did he have cancer?” When Gentry nodded her head and confirmed those details were also a part of her family’s story, the two girls connected on a new level, knowing there was a common thread of empathy and understanding between them.
Now the girls are often spotted together at Hope Hub™ chatting and playing games. They even connected on a week in between Hope Hub™ gatherings in a Hope@Home™ Group for kids who are navigating life after the loss of a parent. After the heartbreak of loss, it is so special to have a friend that “gets it!”

Audrey, Gentry, and other Hope Hub™ Rochester friends serving their community together

Supportive and encouraging friendships, like Audrey and Gentry’s, are possible because Hope Hub™ is serving families right in their local community.
It’s not okay for families to feel isolated when facing terminal illness or navigating life after loss. Want to bring them connection and community when they need it, right where they need it?

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