We build community for young families affected by terminal illness.

Read more about the article Legacy Builder Martha Tofteland Makes a Difference for Others
The Toftelands hold on to smiles like these from their IoH Legacy Retreat® in 2018. Ryan passed away 18 months later, in February 2020, at the age of 40.

Legacy Builder Martha Tofteland Makes a Difference for Others

“Legacy Builder” describes Martha Tofteland perfectly.  Not only did she help her late husband Ryan leave tangible evidence of his love for their young children,…

Read more about the article Dana Gilmour Runs the Chicago Marathon Solo
Dana with his supporters, the proudest of whom are his children. Son Davin shared, “I thought he did a really good job because he completed his goals of raising money.”

Dana Gilmour Runs the Chicago Marathon Solo

On October 11, 2020,  Dana Gilmour ran the Chicago Marathon, by himself, near his home of Portsmouth, Rhode Island.  He was the only runner in…