A Legacy Video™ is a priceless opportunity to share what matters most with your loved ones. Inheritance of Hope family member Amy Shaw shares about her recent experience:
Last week I took a big step in LIVING INTENTIONALLY. I recorded a Legacy Video for my family and loved ones. This is often done when someone knows they’re nearing the end of their lives, however, I chose to make one NOW because now is all we have. I plan on living a WHOLE LOT MORE TIME but since I don’t control that, I wanted to make sure that I have something meaningful for those who love me if I run to Jesus without any warning.
This was NOT HARD TO DO! In fact, Inheritance of Hope does these for ANYONE and they will do it for FREE! (I’m utterly amazed at that…jump in on this fast before they realize they should charge to do this!). You can use this link to sign up. You set a time, meet with a Legacy Video Coach and record. They do all the editing and it is seamless.
Remember: you do not have to have a terminal illness to record a Legacy Video! You can even record more of them as your life changes! WOW!!!