Treasures in Jars of Clay: March 2014

How am I doing? Well, it’s kind of surreal to enter some anniversaries: diagnosis, surgery, and start of chemo. In February we were able to be in Florida on an amazing retreat for families who are dealing with terminal illnesses. Yes, the “T” word, not one I like to say and yet it is what we are dealing with. Do I feel normal? What is normal? Thankfully, God has never given me a concept of normal. Will I feel like I did before diagnosis? No! I count this a blessing from God. He has given me a new song in my heart!

What this means is that I am thankful for each day! My blessings are laundry, cleaning toilets, putting toys away (even little legos that I step on!), and things that are put in my way that may cause me to be frustrated. Don’t get me wrong, I still complain, make mistakes, and yell at my kids from time to time! I just realize that the journey is meant to mold me into a vessel that God can use for His glory!

What does this mean for the Maier family? Well, we are going to talk about death, life without mom, God’s ability to care for them way better than I can, and why God allows things to occur even if we don’t like it! This may seem like too much for our kids to handle; man it’s too much for Jay & I to handle. But God is present in these moments when we cry out to Him. For my Creator knows my doubts, pain, fear, weaknesses, and He still loves me! How can I question His work on me, when I know He is molding me into a vessel that will one day see Him face to face!

Wow, what a year this has been! I can’t express in words how many of you have helped us survive this last year. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! God has provided through His people and He has shown us that His Word walks freely among us.

“And the vessel He was making of clay was spoiled in the Potter’s hand, and He reworked it into another vessel, as it seemed good to the Potter to do.” — Jeremiah 18:4

“But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us!” — 2 Corinthians 4:7

Tara Maier attended the February 2014 Legacy Retreat® with her husband and their five children. They live in Rochester, MN, and blog at

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Cheryl McCoy

    Thank you, Tara, for sharing. What a powerful testimony and walk with The Lord. Praying for strength and clarity for you and your family. May you feel His loving arms around you, and see His hand in your every days.

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