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Times Square Countdown

When most people think about a Times Square countdown, they think of a giant ball being lowered from a tall pole in the center of New York City while millions of people count down to a new year. 

Confetti. Music. Celebration.   

Well, Inheritance of Hope is about to begin a Times Square countdown of our own, and we are going to focus on lifting the burdens and lightening the loads of 21 families from all over the country who have young children facing the loss of a parent.

Community. Memories. Hope. 

We don’t offer a cure for cancer or a treatment for ALS, but we do offer HOPE. We provide resources to help families live intentionally and make memories together. We provide community to strengthen and sustain weary families. And we provide a ton of fun!

The ball is all lit up, and the people are cheering. Those people include 41 volunteers and staff who have been working hard to ensure these families can have the trip of a lifetime in New York City.  Those people also include many incredibly generous people who have chosen to sponsor this Legacy Retreat. There are still parts of the ball that need some lights. Would you like to join us in completing this countdown?

Click to see how you can make a lasting impact!


The New Year’s Eve Ball Drop has nothing on us! Inheritance of Hope is hitting Times Square, and lives are going to be changed. Legacy building at its finest!

Jill Thompson didn’t give much thought to intentional living until her best friend, Kristen Milligan, was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer at age 30. She had a front row seat as Kristen planned and prepared for her death and was inspired to be as intentional with each day. Kristen rarely missed a single moment to speak truth to her children and to teach, inspire, and encourage others. Because of her intentionality, her life and legacy are still greatly impacting others even 4 years after her death. Jill lives in Florida with her husband and 4 children and tries to make the most of each and every day, living intentionally as a wife and mom.