The Grass is Rarely Greener

A few years ago I read a great book series by Beverly LaHaye and Terri Blackstock. The Seasons Series follows the lives of four women who live on the same cul-de-sac of a neighborhood suburb.

One of the books begins as a mom is cleaning and putting away the decorations following her youngest child’s wedding reception in her home the night before.  She is reflecting on the fun events of the weekend but also mourning the emptiness of her home and the fact that all of her “babies” are now grown and gone creating families of their own.

She looks out the window to see her neighbor.  Her neighbor is frantically

loading her two young children into the car. They are running late and have already had a few spills and tantrums this morning. The kids are driving her crazy and the mom is ready to pull her hair out .  She looks up and sees her neighbor watching from her window. They wave at each other and smile politely.

One thinks, “What I wouldn’t give to have my babies back home again, needing me and spending precious time with me. I wish I were her right now!”

The other thinks, “What I wouldn’t give to be in her shoes right now. An empty quiet house.  No one to interrupt my shower or mess up my clean floor. I wish I were her right now!”

Have you ever played this game in your own life?

Sometimes it is easier to wish and hope and look forward to what may be, then to simply be content and satisfied in what is.

It’s really a choice.  An intentional decision to be content.

I think it also requires perspective. With a proper perspective it is impossible to be discontent. I choose to have an eternal perspective, considering not just my life here on earth but also the promise of a far greater life in heaven.

I have met people who have a terminal diagnosis and little time left to live on this earth who are filled with a contentment, peace, and hope.  I have also met people who have perfect health and very little worries who are discontent, hopeless and lost.

These two people may look at each other from their windows and wish for the other’s life.

“Health….more time with my family….”

“Contentment…I wish I knew that peace.”

Who would you rather be? Guess what?  It doesn’t really matter.  Your life is a journey only for you! If you spend it looking through the window wishing for someone else’s life you are going to miss the best parts of the journey.

One of my best friends with terminal liver cancer once said cancer was one of life’s greatest gifts!  How could that be? She has an eternal perspective.  She also has hope, peace and contentment. You can check out her book if you want to know more and while you’re at it check out the Seasons Series.

The grass is rarely greener.  It may look greener from your window.  But everyone has their own struggles and trials. I hope you have an eternal perspective and can find peace and contentment in your own “yard”.

If you have questions about my eternal perspective that centers around my faith please feel free to email me