Swagger Wagon

I am in love…..have been for quite some time.

Actually July 11th 2005 was the date we first met and it was NOT love at first sight.

It was a practical relationship.

My sleek trendy stylish Acura SUV had kind of died so…

My man pulled in the driveway with my new set of wheels…a 2005 Honda Oddesey Minivan!  She had all the bells and whistles complete with a built-in DVD player with wireless headphones for each of my kids. The people of Honda thought of everything including a lazy susan in the floor for extra storage, a mirror to view the backseat, and extra middle seat in the second row and 12 cup holders!!!

Now I feel like a princess in her chariot when I drive around town in my minivan!

I honestly do feel pretty cool.  There may have been a time in my life when I thought that a minvan could never be cool but that was when I was young and foolish.  Now that I have some wisdom and experience I recognize that this vehicle has charisma.  The doors alone provide numerous points of excitement.  They slide instead of fly open when my kids exit. They open or close with the small touch of a button.  They automatically stop when a small (or large) appendage is in the way.  I could go on all day!

I still have several mommy-pals who are resistant to the minivan and the stigma that it brings.  I try to encourage all of those individuals to embrace this vehicular gift.  They don’t know what they are missing.

Personally, I think I may choose to drive a minivan even after my children are grown and gone.  I don’t think I want to part with my “swagger wagon”.

If you also love your minivan I would love to hear from you!

Next Friday on this blog I am going to share my newest GREAT ADVENTURE!!!!  It’s something that this wild-minivan-driving-mom-of-two said she would NEVER do!!!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Beth

    I, too, swore I would NEVER drive a minivan…and that my minivan would NEVER look as junky as my mother’s had. Well. You know what happens when you say never! Now, I love my minivan, which until yesterday was a 2001 Honda Odyssey–my rolling palace. It may not look cool on the outside, but it fits all the junk we have to haul around daily with room to spare for more junk on long trips. I am actually a little sad to see it go. It has served us well. My new car? Another Odyssey, this one specially modified for my son’s wheelchair, and I am already in love! 🙂

  2. Grace Gerdin

    Oh my! I loved this. I love my Odyssey, and pray it will last many more years. It is a 2000…and ole-Besse has 165,000miles on her. I love my van, and will purchase another just like it when Besse goes to that old junk yard in the county! buckle up and enjoy the ride! 🙂

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