Plugging in

What do you do to “re-charge” your battery? Do you read a book, take a nap, go for a walk, hang out with friends, eat a big bowl of ice cream, write in a journal, plan a party?

I know for each person it is so different.  If you are an introvert you probably feel drained after time with a big crowd of people and you need to re-charge with some alone time following an event like a family reunion or social gathering.  If you are an extrovert being with a large crowd actually charges your battery and pumps you up for life ahead.

Regardless of the preference and personality type, we all need to be re-charged.  We need to plug in.

My husband and I are in the process of building a home.  It has been a really fun process choosing each and every aspect of our home. Yet there have been a few decisions that we had never before considered.

Our whole lives we have both benefited from having electricity.  We have plugged and unplugged many appliances, tools, lights, and devices without ever giving a second-thought to the location of these outlets.  Now as we build our first home we are being asked to decide where we would like these outlets located.  Really?!?!


I now find myself paying very close attention to all of the outlets in our current home.  When I plug in the hair dryer or computer charger, I notice.  I notice the use of an extension cord in our master closet for an iron and think, “that might be a good spot to put an outlet.” I notice the power strip behind the tv to accommodate the huge multitude of plugs for the tv, cable box, blu-ray player and sound system and think, “perhaps, we should have more outlets behind the entertainment system.

Funny that a few months ago I never once thought about the location of my home’s outlets and now I find myself writing blogs about it.

I am so thankful that I have so many very convenient places to “plug in” and I am almost giddy that I get to choose all those convenient spots in my new place.

Have you ever intentionally thought about what re-charges you and how accessible this “outlet” is for you?  Don’t forget to take care of yourself.

I have met many individuals who are caregivers by nature and others who are thrust into the role when their loved one becomes ill.  This responsibility, of caring for another individual, takes a huge toll on your battery reserve.  Whether this responsibility comes with the birth of your first child, with the illness of your loved one, or with a service-oriented job job, it will become essential to recharge more frequently as you pour your life and energy into another person or people.

Make the most of your outlets and plug in when you can!!! As for me, I’m gonns go get a coffee and curl up on my couch to watch HGTV.  That will recharge me for when my kids get off the bus!

By the way, if you have built a house and have any tips on good outlet locations please let me know! 😉