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Mom Who Lost Daughter to MBC Shares Importance of Making a Legacy Video

Shermia McDuffie was a mom diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) who attended the North Carolina Legacy Retreat® in October 2023 with her mom and children. After hearing about the priceless opportunity to share what matters most with her loved ones through a Legacy Video™, she scheduled an appointment and recorded her stories. With a Legacy Video™ Coach prompting her with questions like “What did you want to be when you grew up?” and “What are some of your favorite memories with your kids?” Shermia created a Legacy Video™ to be shared with her parents and children.

Shermia (center) with her mom and children – North Carolina Legacy Retreat®, October 2023

Several months after she made her Legacy Video™, Shermia passed away after a long fight with MBC.

Her mom, Robbie, now grieving the loss of her daughter, reached out to the Legacy Video™ team asking if Shermia had recorded a video. After sharing the password-protected link with her, Robbie was so appreciative to have this 45 minute video of her daughter sharing stories, recalling funny memories, and sharing specific messages to each of her loved ones by name.

Legacy Video™ Manger, Ellie Ledin, was able to join a call with Robbie who shared why everyone should make a video. Watch this recording for a compelling reason why you should make a Legacy Video™ today!

Thanks to generous donors, anybody can make one of these precious videos at no cost to them. Join our team of monthly givers to make it possible for these families to create their legacy at the click of a button!
