Once the call is started, you will be able to see who enters the waiting room. As the facilitator, you act as the gatekeeper to ensure that everyone who is trying to get on the call is supposed to be doing so. One way to do this is to confirm members are on
the Groups Google Doc prior to admitting them. If you are unsure of a member’s registration (perhaps they are listed as iphone7 or their name is not on the Google Doc, you are able to message them in the waiting room to confirm their identity. Otherwise, you can always call the Hope@Home™ Groups Coordinator for questions.
Another note on safety, every group is automatically set to record.
But why do we do this? How can you respond if a member asks?
- For quality assurance purposes. If a certain situation occurs during a group that requires further attention/support/or involvement from leadership, this is a helpful way for us to have documentation and “another set of eyes”.
- To spot check for attendance (when it is forgotten to be taken).
- For training purposes for students/new facilitator
Recordings are confidential and will only be shared with the leadership/training team and are not used for any other purpose. The only people with access to the recordings are IoH staff.
If there is every anything you are unsure about or if there happens to be anything that may be a cause for a concern, please go to the Groups Attendance Google Doc and click the red link at the top to submit a follow-up with the Hope@Home™ Group Team.