Golf Outing Recap – a great day!!

The weather was perfect for the 2nd Annual Gerry Moors Golf Outing held at Winding Hills Golf Course on June 18, 2011.  46 golfers hit the links as the Moors family hosted this fun event to benefit Inheritance of Hope…

The sun was shining, the temperature was perfect, and we all had a great time! – Grace Gerdin

Over $10,000 was raised to support the mission of Inheritance of Hope which is to serve families with children under 18 that have a parent experiencing a life-threatening illness.  Along with the golfers, others supported the day through sponsoring holes, sponsoring meals and sponsoring gift baskets and awards.  17 additional individuals joined the golfers for lunch.

Maryalice Moors organized the event in honor of her father, Gerry, who is battling a diagnosis of mesothelioma.  Maryalice had this to say about the day:

Imagine a day of impossibilities and you have imagined our day on Saturday… My Dad and I were joined by the most wonderful, generous friends and family to enjoy not only one of God’s most amazing days, but also our 2nd annual golf outing.
Thanks to Dr. Israel Jacobowitz, who organized and placed 46 golfers into foursomes.  We had just begun when the word went out that Bruce Smolvia had achieved  a hole in one!!!!  Yes a hole in one!!!
Back at the clubhouse our non golfers were given a lesson by the Winding Hills golf pro followed by a game of Bingo.  As the golfers finished, a luscious lunch was enjoyed by all.  We then gave recognition to all that we are grateful for, had an introduction to IOH by Troy Steiner (a member of the Inheritance of Hope Board of Directors) and then a beautiful exposition by Al Rein (Al and his family attended an Inheritance of Hope retreat in 2009.)  Our day ended by raffling off 9 bountiful baskets and giving out 8 awards, the top golfer award going to Billy Porter.
More than all of that we enjoyed and embraced each other’s hearts and souls and couldn’t imagine a better way to help IOH nurture the hearts of others. Glorious day!  We missed all that couldn’t make it… but, remember, there is always next year!!!!


Thank you to all that made this day a great success!  And a special thank you to Kohl’s Cares for their support of this event.