Feel Good Friday 2023-6-9

A 1-minute story to put a smile on your face

Man wearing all black pretending to sneak around like a cartoonish spy
Miscellaneous photo from a group video call

At the February 2022 Hope@Home™ Weekend we unveiled a brand new video series to help kick off our special agent curriculum for families. Special Agent Buddy Tango, a.k.a. Super IoH volunteer Charlie Garrison was a huge hit for people of all ages but it was especially awesome when the Albert boys, Caleb (5), Nathan (3) and Matthew (1) asked on the live zoom Sunday family session “Where is Buddy Tango?” He had made such a huge impression on these three boys and they wanted to say goodbye. Well, imagine their surprise when Buddy Tando sent them a personalized video when the Hope@Home™ Weekend wrapped up!
