A Thankful Heart

I’ve been a member of the 2011 NYC Legacy Retreat Fans Group these past few days.  This group was set up in the IOH Community on the Inheritance of Hope website to follow the ‘latest’ as the Legacy Retreat unfolded.  Sixteen families from across the nation gathered in NYC to create family memories and build a community of support as they all had in common a parent diagnosed with a life-threatening illness.  As I watched the Retreat unfold since this past Sunday, I have had an overwhelming sense of thanksgiving…

The noise of the media has been hollering, “Bad news!  Economy is distressed…super committee can’t come up with 1.2 trillion in cuts…military will be cut…Europe is in trouble…esteemed sports figures are morally falling…”  In the midst of this noise, I have seen good news.  I have seen families taking time to be with each other, to create memories, to meet new friends.  I’ve seen volunteers take time away from their work to support these families, and to learn new lessons for their own lives.  I’ve seen NYC hotels, restaurants, and businesses supporting IOH and giving generously.  I’ve seen a community being formed, relationships that will last a life time and weather storms.  I’ve seen HOPE resurrected in the lives of children and adults.

The sounds of today can often diminish hope and cause anguish and distress for the future.  When hope is renewed, over-comers are birthed.  When over-comers are birthed, nothing is impossible.  I’m thankful for the good news I have seen develop these past 4 days!

May your Thanksgiving Day be filled with renewed hope and an ability to enjoy the blessings that surround you this day.  “Don’t worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will take care of itself…”  Let’s go against the current of the negative reports from the media.  Let’s trust that a God much bigger than ourselves is able to handle all that comes our way.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Aaron Hedges

    Nice post Lisa! We missed you in NYC — thanks for your encouragement from afar.

  2. alice ely

    Our hearts and minds are overwhelmed with what our Lord is doing through IOH.
    We are so blessed to know all about this ministry and what is happening in families who need a special touch. He is faithful!
    Thank-you precious daughter for opening our eyes.
    Mom and Dad

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