Originally posted in October 2020, we honor Erin and the legacy she built for her family. Erin passed away in March 2020, but used her time to live purposefully and give back to others facing what she faced.
Rich and Erin Leland with their children Keira and Quinn
Special family time together on the Kendra Scott-sponsored IoH retreat
Their trip was about more than rides–the twins got to be kids again, without carrying the crushing weight of terminal illness along with them. Rich says that on the retreat, every need they had was met, and just being around others who truly understood gave them a respite, “With terminal breast cancer, you’re not often around people who can completely relate to your situation. You try to explain and get pity looks. So when you are around people who know, it is such a relief. And for kids, it’s even more important. They don’t have time to be a kid while dealing with this but coming on an IoH retreat, they do get to be a kid again.”
Two thumbs up for their IoH Legacy Retreat®!
A few weeks after Erin’s death, the family looked at one last thing she had left–a Legacy Video™ she created for them. “What a gift that was,” remembers Rich. “I was blown away. It was a little moment of being able to see Mom again.” Although making that video was hard, Erin never took the easy way out.
The Lelands with IoH volunteers who became like family
Angie Howell is constantly inspired by the people she meets in the Inheritance of Hope family. Her connection to IoH goes back to Davidson College, where she met Kristen Grady Milligan the first week of their freshman year. Kristen eventually started Inheritance of Hope with her husband Deric, and Angie heard about their work at a college reunion. In 2010, the two former hallmates got back in touch, and Angie became involved in IoH shortly afterward. She has served as a Legacy Retreat® volunteer, Coordinator, and now, a Content Contributor, Angie helps tell the stories of IoH. Read more Inheritance of Hope blogposts >>